FTA 2020 science conference “Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change”

FTA 2020 science conference “Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change”

General - 25 February, 2021

The FTA science conference “Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change” was held in September 2020 as a closed event that gathered researchers involved in FTA from its partner organizations to present the most exciting research results, exchange experiences and lessons learned, and reflect on the way forward.

It featured close to 200 interventions, more than 500 participants from 69 countries around the world.

Visit here the FTA Conference website

The conference was organized along six broad technical work streams, inspired by ongoing dialogue with CGIAR and in international policy discussions:

  1. Inclusive value chains, finance and investments
  2. Towards resilient and diverse landscapes and food systems
  3. Transforming livelihoods through agroecological approaches with trees
  4. Nature-based solutions to address the climate crisis
  5. Inclusive governance for sustainable landscapes
  6. Designing, implementing and evaluating research for development impact

Tropenbos International as FTA partner co-hosted the work stream 1. Inclusive value chains, finance and investments lead by Bas Louman and Michael Allen Brady. The aim of this Stream was to support practitioners and policy makers in their efforts for more sustainable value chains and enhanced smallholder access to finance, and to identify areas for further action in research and capacity development.

Stream 1 - Inclusive business models and value chains Wrap up - Bas Louman and Michael Brady.

Additionally, Tropenbos International participated with presentations and posters from our network.