Our stories ... ...
30 September 2014 DR Congo
A series of workshops on FLEGT-VPA and artisanal logging where held in different territories of the Province Orientale in DR Congo, from 13 to 27 September 2014. The main aim of these trainings was to raise awareness about the process of negotiation of FLEGT-VPA in DR Congo among local actors.
25 September 2014 DR Congo
A training on FLEGT-VPA and artisanal logging for local actors was held from 2 to 4 September 2014in Kisangani, Province Orientale, DR Congo, as part of the project "FLEGT-VPA: exploitation and legal timber trade everybody's business"
23 September 2014 the Netherlands
“We know what needs to done, and how, but we are not sure how to explain it” - that the predominant sentiment that lingered after the seminar ‘Unravelling the landscape approach – are we on the right track’, held in Wageningen, the Netherlands on 17 September 2014. Four presenters and three panelists tried their hand at understanding the now-popular concept of the landscape approach – what is it, what is new compared to earlier and similar ideas of integrated land management, and how it can be made to work for the benefit of people and the planet?
23 September 2014 the Netherlands
Forests and farmland are increasingly threatened by pressures on our landscapes for commodity agriculture, urban development, mining, tourism, transport infrastructure. The futures of family farmers, pastoralists, forest-dependent communities, fishing communities and indigenous people are at stake. The ‘landscape approach’ is increasingly hailed as an inclusive, equitable and multi-stakeholder means of addressing and resolving conflicts in land and water management. But is it working? Are we on the right track?
16 September 2014 Ghana
On August 6th the Breman-Anwiam Artisanal Milling Association had the opportunity to show their newly established plantation to a delegation from the EU. Mr. Ignacio Burol and Mr. Herve DelSol from the EU-delegation in Accra were very impressed with the achievement of the Association in replanting Ghana’s degraded forests and pledged EU’s support in combating deforestation and forest degradation in Ghana.
08 September 2014 Colombia
Abel Rodriguez, an elder of the Nonuya people, an indigenous group from the mid Caquetá River in Colombia, receives the Principal Prince Claus Laureate 2014 award for his outstanding work as a botanist, an artist and his knowledge and understanding of the Amazonian ecosystem.