Our stories ... ...
08 November 2013 the Netherlands
After 25 years of making knowledge work for people and forests, TBI can conclude that the work developed and its impact is relevant at local, national and international level. This was the conclusion at the seminar celebrating 25 years of TBI that took place on 5th November 2013.
15 October 2013 Colombia
According to recent news, gold mining rafts have multiplied by ten in the Mid River Caquetá area in the last year. The rapid increase of this illegal activity will certainly leave an everlasting scar in this Amazon tropical forest area and its communities. What alternatives can be developed in order stop this highly contaminating and degrading activity?
10 September 2013 DR Congo
There is a need in DR Congo to strengthen quantitative and qualitative research methods. TBI DR Congo organized from July 29 to August 3, 2013 a training course on research methods for researchers from TBI and our various partners.
26 August 2013 Ghana
The continuous education and awareness on the impacts of illegal chainsaw milling and deforestation on Ghana’s economy and environment by the EU Chainsaw project being implemented by Tropenbos International Ghana has created a change in attitude amongst some illegal chainsaw operators.
01 August 2013 Colombia
Strengthening of local governance by stimulating communities to carry out monitoring activities of natural resources and the compilation of traditional knowledge to improve participative processes in the National Natural Park La Paya area is the main outcome of the Putumayo Three Frontiers project, which ended January 2013.
26 July 2013 Ghana
Local demand for legal lumber could soon be met through a joint effort of former rivals in the timber industry. During a groundbreaking ceremony held on July 17, 2013 at the District Assembly Hall in Goaso, two artisanal milling groups in Sankore and Akrodie in the Brong Ahafo Region and the Logs and Lumber Limited (LLL), a saw milling company and forest concession holder in the Ashanti Region signed a partnership agreement to produce legal lumber for the domestic market. Under the agreement, LLL will supply logs to the artisanal milling groups and in return, have the groups protect its forest concessions against illegal chainsaw milling.