Our stories ... ...
20 June 2013 the Netherlands
Productive landscapes provide a wide range of products and ecosystem services. They also fulfil the economic and environmental requirements of present and future generations at the local, national and global level.
20 June 2013 the Netherlands
Illegal logging has a devastating impact on forests throughout the world and on the people who live in and depend on these forests. Timber-producing countries in the tropical regions struggle to provide legally verified lumber, especially for local consumption. TBI is supporting these countries in finding new ways to assist the forest sector in supplying legal lumber to the domestic market.
20 June 2013 the Netherlands
There is a significant gap between the financing that is available from public and private sources for sustainable forest management and the funding required to meet future demands. Private financing is the most significant source of investment for forestry, and is likely to remain so given government policies on public financing.
20 June 2013 the Netherlands
International institutions and NGOs have made a large contribution to getting community forestry recognized as a viable approach to forest management in tropical countries. Community forestry enables local people who live in and around the forest to benefit from its products (and the financial gains these products provide) while managing the forest resource base.
20 June 2013 the Netherlands
TBI contributes to better governance and management of tropical forest resources through its support for research and for strengthening of personal and organisational capacities.
17 June 2013 Ghana
The Adwenase Forest Management Plan has received a massive facelift following its revision by the kind courtesy of the EU Chainsaw Milling project implemented by Tropenbos International Ghana and partners. The plan, first drafted in 1995 by the Resource Management Support Centre (RMSC) of the Forestry Commission and the Assin-Akropong community, was revised to keep step with current forest management practices.