A landscape approach to fire management - Improved governance to prevent forest fires in Bolivia

A landscape approach to fire management - Improved governance to prevent forest fires in Bolivia

Bolivia - 06 June, 2024

When it comes to wildfires we believe in the power of prevention and wildfire risk reduction. In Bolivia, instead of trying to eliminate fires completely, we focus on working with communities, businesses, and farmers to prevent and reduce the impact of wildfires on their livelihoods.

Through collaborative efforts with local communities, authorities, businesses, and farmers, our partner Instituto Boliviano de Investigación Forestal (IBIF) has implemented strategies to prevent and reduce forest fires. This includes setting up community networks for early warning systems, enhancing monitoring and response capabilities of community members, and providing knowledge on fire use and control techniques.

The results of these actions are already making a difference in the Guarayos and Chiquitania landscape. So far, we have controlled 61 fire outbreaks and saved lives in 2023, with 1,641 people from 37 communities actively involved in forest fire prevention efforts covering 96,226 hectares.

To learn more about our work in Bolivia, we invite you to watch the video and see how together with communities, we can reduce wildfires and save forests, local livelihoods and lives.