Role of FLA in Restructuring the Forest Sector

Role of FLA in Restructuring the Forest Sector

Viet Nam - 08 May, 2014

Forest land allocation (FLA) is one of Viet Nam’s most vital policies in the process of restructuring its forest sector. However, the contribution of FLA policies to better forest quality is unclear, leading to unequity and conflicts in forest land management. This difficulty was discussed by participants at the workshop “The Role of FLA in Restructuring the Forest Sector," held by Tropenbos International Viet Nam, Forest Trends and the Sustainable Forest Management Institute in Ha Noi on April 16, 2014.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2.19 million ha (up to 16% of total forest land) currently managed by local Commune’s People Committees, is under poor management. Meanwhile local people definitely need such land area for agroforestry production and livelihood development.

Key findings from TBI Viet Nam’s long-running FLA research triggered in-depth discussion among participants. It was suggested that for effective poverty reduction and better forest management, priority should be given to local people and communities as the forest land allocation program continues.
The full report on the FLA workshop can be found here.