

What makes agroforestry work?


Authors: Emmanuel Torquebiau, Nick Pasiecznik and Jinke van Dam

General - 2024

ISSUE No.: 62


Language: English


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This review summarizes findings from 22 case studies published together in Tropical Forest Issues 61 (Torquebiau 2024). The case studies present clear and tangible benefits from the adoption of agroforestry, based on a wide range of practices from Africa, Latin America and Asia. In this review practices and conditions for tangible benefits of agroforestry are summarized. The practices are presented in four categories: crops under trees or intercropped with trees; annual crops under multispecies tree cover; perennial crops under multispecies tree layers; and agroforests. The conditions cover seven thematic areas: social and human capital; attention to women; governance priorities; technical assistance and capacity strengthening; legal, institutional and policy frameworks; economic research; and value chains. 

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